Tuesday, January 26, 2010


"I honor the Spirit in you which is also in me." -- attributed to author Kabir Chopra.

 The above interpretation and title for today really says a lot to me.  After hearing some distressing news this morning I headed to my favorite yoga studio yogaview.com.  Whether you are new to yoga or have been practicing for years, yogaview gives you the sense of calm and community.  I took Geri's class and at the end of class in Savasana promised myself that I would honor and appreciate what I have done to my mind and body.  I hope that everyone takes at least 10 minutes each day to honor oneself.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Give It A Try!

Today is the first day of my personal blog and I have to say it's quite fascinating how one sets up a blog let alone what one should write about. I have chosen to start my blog "OFF THE BEATEN PATH-Chicago" as a resource to showcase things and ideas that I love. It could be a restaurant or shop, a location to travel to, music to listen too or even a photo that inspires. I love the fact that I get to share them with you.

Just this past Friday I had a beautiful Steinway piano delivered to my home and I have been playing sheet music from when I took piano lessons in grade school and up. It's wild how music looks on a sheet when you haven't played for so long. It reveals itself as LOTS of black ink and could almost scare one from trying to crack the code. I'm planning on taking my time and if I have to play something over and over again, that's okay. Practice makes perfect. Right?